receivable financing
When there is no time to wait
deferred payment of contracts
Up to 120 days
Large companies pay with a delay of 1 to 4 months.
All this time, the Supplier is waiting for its money.
How factoring works
Accounts receivable financing
( money in 20-30 days )
Supply by contract
Signing of documents
Reconciliation with customer
By means of electronic correspondence and telephone conversations, Factors check documents with a debtor (up to 7 business days)
2. Search factor
The supplier submits an application to factoring companies. If the Factor works with an industry or a specific debtor, the procedure for reconciling documents begins.
5. Сontract of factoring
After validation and risk analysis, the Factor announces the financing conditions and offers to sign a factoring agreement.
3. Document request
The factor requests documents in paper or electronic form and financial documents of the supplier.
6. Concession and Financing
Debtor - receives notice of сoncession, and the supplier receives the long-awaited financing.
Why not everyone uses factoring?
Long time and difficult
Verification of documents and conclusion of an agreement often exceeds the deferral period, making factoring meaningless
Do not give
Standard risk analysis is not always applicable to industry contracts, which leads to unjustified refusals
Few factors
Industry contracts are specific. Not all banks are able to finance them.
Debiter against
Often the process is blocked by the Debtor for various reasons. From trivial incompetence to the presence of risks in the supply chain.
We found a way to get
Money for 1 day
Without trips to the bank, without routine and bureaucracy.
How did we do it?
We connect the largest factors and customers directly to the site, through integration. This allows you to automate and speed up the process.
How does the site work
1. Сheck in
and EDS key
You register on the site, bind the existing EDS key or order a new one from one of the recommended Certification Authorities
2. Download Documents
In your personal account, you upload the required documents manually or through your EDI operator
3. Check
We carry out a reconciliation with the data of the register of contracts of your Customer and assign the status of the Contract to it
4. Getting a Offer
Verified contracts go to auction. Factors send you terms of financing deferred payment
5. Contract signing
If the conditions of the Factor offer suit you, you can sign the Factoring contract right on the site
6. Receiving the money
After signing the contract, the Debtor signs a concession notice or a tripartite agreement under the factoring contract

Take the first step!
Leave a request for registration right now.
Оставьте Ваши контакты и наш специалист свяжется с Вами в ближайшее время.
Ваш email
Ваше имя
Ваша Роль
В роли кого Вы хотите выступать на площадке?
By submitting data, you agree to the processing of personal data.
Why did we succeed?
We found the pros for each side, making the factoring process convenient.
Benefits for Suppliers
The supplier no longer needs to look for the Factor. With Chemfactor - he can choose it. Working through the site, the supplier receives the best financing conditions and the preservation of partnerships with his customer.
Benefits for Debtors
Customers receive process transparency and reduced workload for specialists. Thanks to the site, the Debtor can increase the deferral term by concluding a tripartite agreement, and eliminate the risks of mutual offsets and guarantee cases.
Benefits for Factors
Interacting with the site, Factors receive not only a stream of structured requests for financing, but also the possibility of a direct dialogue with the debtor.
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